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Chuckles Gravesend Photos Who Am I ? Links Page

---- Welcome To My Web Site ----

Last updated 11th June 2005  

The 'Chuckles' pages are a selection of  jokes, anecdotes and anything else that I thought good for a laugh. These I have collected from various e-mails that I have received.

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'Gravesend' is a series of pages with old black and white, and new colour pictures, complete with details of both, to show the changing face of our town. There is also a map to show the location of the building or area in each case.
This part of my site, I hope to update and add to when I am able, so please check back every so often.

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'Photos', just a selection of photos I have taken over the years, this one will be updated on occasions too.

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'Who am I?', well bet you can't guess what this one is about?

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'Links' well of course this shows links to some other web sites that I have found helpful, or just enjoy viewing and may be off interest to others.

Any general comments please e-mail me
If this dosn't work in older browsers please try this
problems @ lordofchaos.co.uk

This site is the copyright of John Lord © 2000 - 2005
and dedicated to
Richard and Hazel, and my late parents.

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